Why Choose Us

Our superior service continues to help us grow - for 40 years and counting 

We started with 485 square feet and now operate with 40,000! We are your “go-to” for concerns about medications, dispensing efficiency, overmedicating, regulations, billing, and more. The Assistant Director of Nursing at Heinzerling Community says, “Nothing compares to the service we get from our care team.

We are here for you around the clock 

We are here to help you any time you need us. When you call Skilled Care Pharmacy, you will not speak to a computer. Instead, you’ll talk to a person who knows who you are. Each facility has a dedicated service representative and consulting pharmacist. We get to know you and your needs - and provide expert service you can rely on.

Trusted pharmacy services, without the need to continually follow up. 

You need to get resident prescriptions on time. You can count on us to deliver medications on time, every time. We deliver twice a day or more when needed. Your job is to care for your residents, and you can’t do that if you spend hours on the phone with the pharmacy. We eliminate time-wasting follow-up calls by providing accurate prescription delivery. You can rely on us to be your trusted partner all day, every day.

Medication reduction improves lives and lowers costs 

While many medications are lifesaving, we believe reducing medications (when possible) improves quality of life and reduces costs. This is a win for everyone!

We also want to ensure that your residents are on the right medications. That’s why our consultant pharmacists work to identify the best prescription combinations. Prescribing doctors accept our recommendations over 90% of the time, far exceeding the industry standard of 70%.

Technology to help you succeed

eMAR Solutions 

Skilled Care Connect 

Multi-Dose Dispensing 

Emergency Electronic Dispensing 

Advanced Dispensing Management System 

Delivery Track 

For every prescription we recommend adding, we suggest discontinuing 13. 

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