We're dedicated to finding and deploying technologies that help you deliver quality care and achieve organizational excellence. 

Everyone on the team has an ownership stake in the company. They are well-positioned to address the industry’s ever-changing demands as we grow over the generations to come.

eMAR Technology (Electronic Medication Administration Records) 

Save time while adhering to the stringent requirements of medication administration. This system ensures the correct medication is administered in the correct dose at the right time. It reduces errors, shortens med pass times, improves survey results and enhances quality of care for residents.

Skilled Care Connect

Offered at no expense to customers, this is a computer interface that facilitates immediate access to information relating to the medications we dispense. Perform medication quotes, view your current statement in real-time, process and track returns, and access billing reports. This tool helps you manage all aspects of your pharmacy-related activity. 

Your care team can check pricing for medications, print medication management reports, discharge instructions and track medications.


Multi-dose dispensing 

Designed for safety and ease of use, these medications are packaged in secure, tear-open bags, by time of day. This is an ideal system for both nurses and residents who self-administer medications. It is applicable to all living environments.

Emergency electronic dispensing 

An automated dispensing system supporting decentralized medication management. This system provides a safe and effective way to retrieve first dose, STAT, as needed (PRN), and leave of absence (LOA) medications.

Advanced Dispensing Management Systems

We are constantly refining our processes to ensure accurate, on-time delivery of medications, and that extends to IT. All medications are tracked electronically to simplify reordering, and our integrated system documents medicines, specific diagnoses and side effects, as well as each resident’s medication history, laboratory and diet orders. The system also provides the opportunity to customize and manage individual facility formularies.

Delivery Track 

An innovative delivery solution that fully integrates with our pharmacy software system to manage all aspects of pharmacy delivery. DeliveryTrack enables Skilled Care to provide immediate delivery verification or in-route status to your facility. 

Verification checks ensure the correct items are being delivered and drivers are at the right locations. This information is then synchronized back to Skilled Care Pharmacy for the dispatching team to access. 

From dispensing to information management to delivery tracking, our industry-leading technology minimizes time and errors so your resident care is more focused and precise.

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