eMAR Solutions
providing us with a sense of purpose that drives our every principle and practice. Every day we see the profound impact of personalizing pharmacy solutions.
Our Culture of Care means…
a company founded to provide dignity and a better quality of life to the elderly; Larry Galluzzo was inspired by growing up in a large Italian family where elders were treasured.
eMAR Solutions
Skilled Care Connect
Multi-Dose and Emergency Electronic Dispensing
“…We have a great customer care representative who goes the extra mile to make sure our questions are answered, and issues addressed. He is available 24/7 and follows up immediately…Our clinical team needs to be with our residents rather than hanging on the phone tracking medications down, etc…”
“Nothing compares to the service we get from our care team. We adore our customer care specialists! Whenever I have a question or an issue, I can reach them directly and handle things quickly. Their team is so accommodating.”
Our gallery is one of the most creative ways we show investment in the residents we serve. Our central office lobby, conference center, and halls are lined with a variety of arts and crafts made by residents in the communities that we serve. Along with each piece of art hangs a short biography of the artist, connecting our staff with residents and reminding everyone at Skilled Care of the importance in what they do each and every day.
Our Pharmacist Call Center allows customers easy access to a licensed pharmacist 24/7. We understand how important it is to have your questions answered quickly and accurately. That's why we're just a phone call away all day and night.
Skilled Care provides multiple packaging options to meet the needs of our customers. One is adherence/compliance packaging. Its benefits include medication adherence, short-cycle dispensing and time savings during nurse medication administration. Here's where Skilled Care uses advanced automated imaging technology to capture and verify the accuracy of every medication packet.
We utilize advanced software and technology to provide accurate, timely delivery for every medication order. Here at the tracking center, we track each order from the moment we receive it to final delivery, passing through multiple quality assurance checks along the way. Every step is documented, allowing for real-time status updates anytime.